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Pakistan First Tourist Base City Blue World City Islamabad.


Pakistan First Tourist Base City Blue World City Islamabad.

After the achievement of two or three gatherings and attempts in the twin urban spaces unequivocally, and across Pakistan, the Blue Group of Companies has influenced a super lodging experience known as the Blue World City. The first Pak-China all around withdrew through city, Blue World City is made at a short drive from Islamabad International Airport, and it will be associated with Rawalpindi and motorway.

Considering a goliath improvement in the individuals thickness of the twin urban spaces interminably, this undertaking needs to oblige all business and private needs of the occupants of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, making it a prime zone for lodging and business purposes.

Blue World City is a private gated holding up society guaranteed by the Blue Group of Companies. This blueprint was made in 1998. From the most massive beginning stage, this was a Lahore based affiliation that sensible to give improvement based affiliations. Inside no time, this association got the likelihood of money related heads and customers, and it brought its name up in the field of building structure, improvement and progress, and advancing. Sound reputation and customer’s trust related with this relationship to consider a housing society like Blue World City. This assignment relies on the vision of Mr. Saad Nazir, who is the owner of the Blue Group of Companies.

Blue World City Islamabad depends upon Lahore-Islamabad motorway M2 near the Chakri exchange. This housing society is joined by the Mumtaz City, Star Argo Farm, and Top City. Correspondingly, Islamabad Airport is acceptably open from this top level housing zone. It will in like manner be associated with Bahria Town, DHA, and Gulberg Green by structures for Rawalpindi Ring Road (after its satisfaction). All the developmental work is to be done by a Chinese development and improvement structure, Mr. Shan Jian Engineering affiliations. This will make Blue World City as the first Pak-China private society in Pakistan.

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